
Nessus Vulnerability Scan 

Medium Risk: Anonymous SSL ciphers. 

Zap OWASP Web Application Scan

AWS Security Assessment Report

Tools Used: AWS Inspector, IAM, ECR, CLI, Docker, Command Prompt


Install and Configure the AWS CLI

Create an ECR Repository

Tagged My Docker Image

Analysis of Results:


High Risk: 1

Medium Risk: 8

Low Risk: 0

High Risk Identified:

Medium Risks Identified:


 Next Steps:

The Rapid Reset Vulnerability report sheds light on a critical security issue discovered by AWS on October 10, 2023, termed as the "HTTP/2 Rapid Reset Attack." This report provides a comprehensive overview of the vulnerability, including its definition, identification methods, testing procedures, and mitigation strategies. Rapid reset poses a significant threat to web servers utilizing HTTP/2 and multiplexing, potentially leading to severe security breaches. This report aims to equip individuals in the cybersecurity domain with insights into detecting, testing, and addressing rapid reset vulnerabilities, essential for maintaining the integrity and security of web-based systems.

Learning Journey: Cybersecurity Topics

The items below delve into subjects I've thoroughly explored in cybersecurity. While they aren't tied to specific projects, they represent important topics in my learning journey, complete with lessons and critical takeaways. 

Conducting Risk Assessments

Creating Risk Findings

Firewalls & Rule Creation (Focused on AWS Web Application Firewalls)